Monday, August 6, 2012

What I'm Reading/Writing

Normally I just say whatever comes into my head, but sometimes that gets me into trouble, so if there's anything anyone wants me to talk about, let me know!

My novel One Two Three, Shatter just came out on Saturday, and the presales knocked me out! I'm glad it's gotten a relatively good reception, because it's my baby. Now I'm just waiting for word back on the sequel.

Since this is a writing blog, I suppose I should be talking about the things I've been reading as of late. Mostly I've been brushing up on my old American Sign Language textbooks, trying to get a feel for the language again because I've forgotten quite a bit of it, sadly. It helps that I'm writing a novella featuring a Deaf character, though that poor story is on hiatus right now, since it's trapped on a laptop that won't charge and I don't have the money to fix it. Edits for one of my other novels is stuck on there as well.

Starving artist at its finest!

I've been reading a book called The Burning Girl by Joe Niehart, and it's... interesting, to say the very least. The narrative isn't what I'm used to but it's not bad. I have it in paperback somewhere, and I should probably try and pick it up again. I'm also reading DAZED, by a writer friend of mine, Nikki Palomino. I haven't had much time to settle down and really give it the attention it deserves, but it's intriguing so far. Her writing style is rough, but it fits the character she's writing.

As far as new works goes, I've been tinkering with the idea of writing a zombie novel, because I've been catching up on the show, The Walking Dead. I think it'd be fun and fascinating to write something intense and gripping like that, and I have a few pages down. I just need to sit and devote some time to it.

It's almost two in the morning and I should try and get some rest even though my brain is always working on overtime. So I leave you with this.

'Til next time!

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