Monday, April 16, 2012

On Pottermore and Inspiration

So I decided today that I was going to start blogging more, and so here I am. Today I joined Pottermore, the newest interactive Harry Potter activity. There's so much more information concealed within the online game, and it made me realize that J. K. Rowling has such an intense imagination and it reminds me of why I became an author in the first place.

Reading things like Harry Potter and Pottermore inspires me to want to make my own world big enough to make everyone fall in love with every little nook and cranny of the world that I created, want to know more about every little character so I can create a backstory for each and every one that I've dreamed up.

Pottermore is a lot of fun, because you can make potions, cast spells, and my two favorite parts: getting a wand and being sorted into a House. The questions it asked were fascinating and it ended up being pretty accurate. I always thought I'd be in Slytherin, but it turns out it sorted me into Ravenclaw and I suppose it makes sense. My wand is a 12 3/4 inch Maple wand with Phoenix Feather core, and it's supple. I kind of suck at duels but I'm all right at potion-making. It tells me a lot about me, and it's amazing that one person was able to dream up something that makes up my entire childhood.

I only hope that someday I can create something that touches even a fraction of the people Harry Potter has touched.

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